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A brief note on getting a permit in Greece as a Financially Indepedent Person

In general, we need to clarify that Visa is an official document that it allows for a non-national to enter a country, while permit is an official document that it allows a non-national to resident a country. The granting of a permit to an applicant is based on the appropriate type of the already issued...

Incentives for foreign retirees to be transferred in Greece

According to a recent draft Law, at a rate of 7% will be taxed independently each year and for 10 years the income earned abroad by foreign retirees who choose to move their tax residence in Greece. With the payment of this tax, every tax liability of the natural person for this income shall be...

A brief note on getting a permit in Greece as a company’s executive

In general, we need to clarify that Visa is an official document that it allows for a non-national to enter a country, while permit is an official document that it allows a non-national to resident a country. The granting of a permit to an applicant is based on the appropriate type of the already issued...

Incentives for L. 3427/2005 (former L. 89/67) companies

* in association with VK Premium Business Consultans ( Companies of L. 3427/2005 (former L. 89/67) companies may be granted, cumulatively or alternatively, aid in the following categories: a) Aid for the recruitment of disadvantaged and disabled workers Eligible for support costs are the wage costs over a maximum period of twelve (12) months of...

Charter License in Greece: a brief introduction – Part 1

In order the yacht’s charters/voyages commence and end in Greece, and also be able to embark and disembark passengers while in Greece, the yacht and its owning company (if no Greek) will have to comply with the following requirements: The vessel must “ideally” be registered to an EU Ship’s Registry and hold a valid Certificate of...

The reforming of the Bankruptcy Law in Greece

Greece, April, 2020 The debtor shall be fully relieved of his debts to banks, the State or other creditors, 24 months from the filing of the Bankruptcy petition, and 12 months from the declaration of Bankruptcy, according to the draft of the new Bankruptcy Law that the Greek Government and the Ministry of Finance are...

Greece: The recent and “attractive” Non – Domicile (Non Dom) Tax Regime for Individuals

The purpose of this report is to provide you with the essential information regarding the procedure, which should be followed by individuals who wish to transfer their tax residence in Greece under the provisions of the “attractive” non-domicile (known as non dom) tax regime introduced for the first time in Greece by Law 4646/2019 and...

European Union Secondment Legislation in Greece

The purpose of this report is to provide you with the essential information regarding the European Union Secondment Legislation as in force and implemented in Greece. Nothing on this report or any external hyperlink should be considered as a legal advice or as a substitute for legal advice. 1. Basic Legal Documents A) The provisions...

The Law 3427/2005 (L. 89/67) framework which provides for certain incentives for investors in Greece

The purpose of this report is to provide you with the essential information regarding the basic legal information as regards the Law 3427/2005 (L.89/67) framework which provides for certain incentives to multinational entities that they are interested in investing by incorporating an entity/office in Greece. Nothing on this report or any external hyperlink should be...

The rehabilitation procedure of the Greek Bankruptcy Code

The purpose of this report is to provide you with the essential information regarding the basic legal framework in bullets concerning the rehabilitation procedure of the Greek Bankruptcy Code (‘GBC’). Nothing on this report or any external hyperlink should be considered as a legal advice or as a substitute for legal advice. General outline of...

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34 Omirou Str., 10672, Athens, Greece | T: +30 210 3832518 | F: +30 210 3821568 | E: [email protected]