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Recognition and enforecement of arbitral awards in Greece

According to articles 903, 905 and 906 of the Greek Code of Civil Procedure (Kodikas Politikis Dikonomias, the “CCP”), a creditor may enforce a foreign arbitral award in Greece only if the award has first been recognized by the court of first instance (Monomeles Protodikeio) at the place of the debtor’s seat or domicile. In...

Recent arbitration developments in Greece

YIAG E-news January 2012 ( Arbitration in Greece: Overview of recent decisions of the Greek Supreme Court (the Areios Pagos) The purpose of this report is to highlight recent developments in Greece concerning arbitration. In this context, reference is made to two recent arbitration-related decisions of the Supreme Court of Greece (the Areios Pagos) reviewing...

Recent arbitration & mediation developments in Greece

YIAG E-news December 2010 ( The purpose of this report is to highlight recent developments in Greece concerning arbitration and ADR. In this context, the first part of this report focuses specifically on two recent arbitration-related decisions of the Supreme Court of Greece (the Areios Pagos). In the second part, reference is made to a...

The legitimate expectations of the… arbitrators!

This post is also available at Κ (8-9-2009) In modern treaties, a fair and equitable treatment standard (hereinafter “FaETS”) is to be provided to foreign investors and investments by the host state. In the past, the FaETS had been viewed as merely a sub-category of the international minimum standard. However, recent practice and international case law...

Arbitrators: Judges or not? An EC approach…

This post is also available at (9-3-2009) The mechanism for referring questions regarding a preliminary ruling allows the national judge to ask the ECJ for a clarification on a point of EC law. Art 234 EC Treaty, governing preliminary rulings before the ECJ, applies to national courts or tribunals ruling as courts of...

Powers and duties of arbitrators in the application of competition law: an EC approach in the light of recent developments

European Competition Law Review (ECLR), March 2009 Summary: This article illustrates the distinction between the “competence” and “duty” of arbitrators in the application of competition law and presents the powers and duties of arbitrators in this context, while adopting a European Community approach. It concludes that arbitrators are just one step behind the “courts or...

INTERNET GOVERNANCE FORUM: The future of the Internet was discussed in Athens

This article was published in the E.L.S.A magazine “The Synergy”, issue 41 (2007) As Lawrence Lessig has highlighted, there are four modalities of regulation, which can all apply to the Internet: a) the law, b) the social norms, c) the market and d) the architecture. In the inaugural meeting of the Internet Governance Forum (IGF)...

WIPO WG on Digital Access Service for Priority Documents: What did take place in Geneva

This article was published in IPKat Readers blog at 12/2/2007 The WIPO organized in Geneva from 6 to 7 February, 2007 the first meeting of a Working Group on a Digital Access Service for the Priority Documents. According to various Conventions and Treaties, “ny person who has duly filed an application in one of the...

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