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Any Legislative Reform Should Overcome Several Problems

* The present artcle has been published in the May-June 2017 issue of the American-Hellenic Chamber of Commerce Business Partners Magazine In recent years we have found ourselves amid many attempts of the Greek state to adopt a more “tidy” approach regarding the sector of justice. However, these attempts did not produce the expected outcomes...

Arbitration Developments in Greece: 2016 at a glance w/r/t decisions of the Greek Supreme Court

By Epameinondas Stylopoulos, Attorney-at-Law, LL.M., ACIArb, [email protected] And Erini Chorti, Attorney-at-Law (Feb. 2017′) The purpose of this report is to highlight recent developments in Greece concerning arbitration. In this context, reference is made to recent (2016’) arbitration-related decisions of the Supreme Court of Greece (the Areios Pagos) – (available by reference to the decision number...

E-commerce and Data Protection in Greece – the legal framework

A. E- Commerce: A.1. The Legal Framework Α.1.1. Directive 2000/31/ΕΚ – The Electronic Commerce Directive The Directive, adopted in 2000, establishes standard and harmonised rules on various issues related to electronic commerce on a supranational level. The Directive regulates an important part of online provided services such as selling (books, financial services, travel services, etc.)...

Notes on the Decision of the Hellenic Competition Commission concerning the Athenian Brewery S.A.

By Sofia Georgiadi, Attorney-at-Law, LL.M., Associate Following an investigation (ex officio and upon a complaint by Mythos Brewery S.A.), the Hellenic Competition Commission found that Athenian Brewery S.A. (hereinafter AB), a subsidiary of Heineken N.V. active in the production and distribution of beer in Greece, abused its dominant position, thereby infringing Articles 2 of the...

The ICSID recent decision on the Greek PSI: Can sovereign bonds be protected as investments?

By Epameinondas Stylopoulos, Attorney-at-Law, LL.M., ACIArb, Managing Partner * This article has been published on (2-7-2015) (available also at A ruling issued on the 9th April 2015 by the International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID) rejected a case brought by a Slovak bank and its shareholders against the 2012 PSI bond...

The Three “S” that May Make the Difference for Greece

By Epameinondas Stylopoulos, Attorney-at-Law, LL.M., ACIArb, Managing Partner * This article has been published to Business Partners, the magazine of the American-Hellenic Chamber of Commerce (June 2015) One of the most important key factors that determine the decision of an entrepreneur   to invest in a given territory is the local tax regime. Low tax rates...

Review of the recent decision of the Hellenic Competition Commission in franchising agreements

By Sofia Georgiadi, Attorney-at-Law, LL.M., Associate In 31.12.2014 the Decision No 580/VII/2013 of the Hellenic Competition Commission (hereinafter “HCC”) was published in the Government Gazette, rekindling the debate on the franchising practice in Greece and the possible infringement of antitrust laws by many large companies that create a kind of a “franchising cartel” in the...

Issues of parallel imports under the light of the recent Unilever Hellas rulling

By Sofia Georgiadi, Attorney-at-Law, LL.M. Recently, the Athens Three – Member Administrative Court of Appeal delivered a ruling (Dec. no. 3807/14) on the appeal filed by Unilever Hellas for the annulment of the Euros 7,000,000 fine imposed by the Hellenic Competition Committee (Decision no 441/V/2009) arguing, however, on the infringements of the European and national...

Recent Arbitration Developments in Greece

By Epameinondas Stylopoulos, Attorney-at-Law, LL.M., ACIArb The purpose of this report is to highlight recent developments in Greece concerning arbitration. In this context, reference is made to two recent arbitration – related decisions of the Greek Courts reviewing the possible annulment of two separate ICC arbitral awards. Suspension of an ICC arbitral award enforcement on...

Arbitral expert’s opinion and arbitration: Meaning and practical implications

By Sofia Georgiadi, Attorney-at-Law, LL.M. This article focuses on a decision of the Greek Supreme Court that shed light on the issue of the arbitral expert’s opinion and its differentiation from the general recourse to arbitration, two procedures often misidentified by the contracting parties. Before analyzing the considerations of the Court, one must briefly refer...

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